Is My Candy Wrapper Recyclable?

Whether you crave sweet, sour or chocolate candies this Valentine’s Day, we all get that similar feeling when we reach into the bag and realize we’ve already eaten the last piece. Bummer. Without even realizing it, we’ve collected a pile of wrappers (or in some cases we’ve hidden the evidence). But where do those wrappers end up?

Unfortunately, these sweet treats often come wrapped in material that is not meant for recycle bins. It might look like paper or it might look like plastic, but either way, it all belongs in the garbage. These wrappers are typically made of mixed material like aluminum, paper or plastic, making it impossible for sorting facilities and manufacturers to process.

But there is hope. If you can’t kick that craving but really want to help reduce the amount of garbage going into the landfill, there is a program out there that could help. is a company that provides free collection programs for hard to recycle materials. They collect the material separately and then turn it into affordable green products. They handle candy wrappers, chip bags, food pouches and so much more.

When it comes to our curbside program, it’s best to just stick to the basics so you and your Valentine can help protect this planet for years to come!

candy wrappers
  • Candy wrappers do not belong in recycle bins.

  • Wrappers are typically made of mixed materials.

  • Recycle the basics to protect the planet.
