How to Recycle Paper at the Office
Office paper is one of the most common recyclable items; whether you’re sending a fax or creating a handmade card, paper is all around us. While recycling paper may seem straightforward, it can often get confusing when dealing with different types of paper. Do I recycle glossy paper? What about folders? What do I do with the staples?

Paper recycling is easier than you think. You can recycle pretty much any paper, including file folders, copy paper, glossy paper and post-it notes. And don’t worry about removing the staples; they can be left on. So if you have a mountain of paper on your desk, recycle it!
Envelopes are also recyclable, even those with labels and plastic windows (found mostly on bills). When the paper is processed in the recycling center, all non-paper materials will be sorted out and discarded. The paper will be turned into a pulp and remade into new paper that could very well become another envelope (RecycleBank). So even if it’s junk mail, don’t throw it with the rest of your junk, recycle it!
While recycling paper is a great way to help the environment, going digital will help reduce your footprint as well. Consider emailing documents instead of printing them, printing double sided pages, and subscribing to email billing instead of paper. These tactics and more can positively impact our world!
Recycling paper is easy to do and has a huge effect on our environment. Right now, about 1 billion trees worth of paper are thrown away in the U.S. every year (Recycling-Revolution). If everyone recycled their office paper, we could save vast stretches of forest all around the world.
It’s our responsibility to take care of the Earth; every small action helps. Try inspiring your coworkers to recycle by having a contest to see who can shoot a paper ball or fly a paper airplane into the recycling bin! It’s guaranteed to improve anyone’s Monday.