Medical Sharps and Needle Disposal
When it comes to disposing of “sharps” we’ll get right to the point. Medical needles, syringes, lancets and auto injectors are all considered to be “sharps” and must be disposed of properly. When sharps are just loosely thrown into the garbage, they pose a potential risk of injury and could be a major health hazard to garbage collectors. Sharps should never be disposed of in household recycling carts.

There are options available for proper sharps disposal including exchange programs, mail-in services and community services.
Exchange Programs
Many local health care providers, medical supply companies and pharmacies offer programs that allow you to trade used needles for new ones. In turn, they will carefully dispose of the used needles.
Mail-in Programs
Mail-in programs will provide a safe container for all sharps. Once full, these containers can be mailed back in the provided packaging. There may be a cost associated with this service.
Community Services
Some communities offer services such as drop-off sites or household hazardous waste events. Check with your village to find out if these services are available.
If none of these services fit your needs, sharps may be placed in your regular household garbage container as long as they are properly prepared. (Never place sharps/needles in your recycling container.)