Plastic Recycling – What’s in a Number?

If you are like many of us, when trying to determine whether to recycle something or throw it in the trash, you look for the “chasing arrows” or recycle symbol. You may find the symbol on paper, glass, metals and plastics. When dealing with plastics, many of them carry the symbol with a number inside.
For years, curbside programs relied on these numbers to determine recyclability. Unfortunately, as we see record high contamination rates, that symbol doesn’t always mean an item can go into your recycling bin at home.
Just because a plastic has a number, doesn’t mean it’s recyclable.
The chasing arrows with a number inside does not mean a plastic item is recyclable. Instead, these numbers, or codes, represent the type of plastic (resin) the item is made from. In 1988, the US Society of Plastics Industry introduced the Resin Identification Code system and started labeling plastic material. They adopted the same “chasing arrows” that is associated with recycling. As you can imagine, this has created confusion for consumers who think the resin code is the universal symbol for recycling.
In recent years, the Resin Identification Codes (RIC) have been changed to a solid triangle to eliminate confusion, but the damage is done. Sorting facilities across the country are experiencing high contamination levels because they receive many items that carry this symbol but aren’t part of the curbside program. High contamination levels slow the sorting process, increase costs, and can ruin good recyclables.
Is This Plastic Recyclable?
Types of Plastic by Number

#1 PETE – Polyethylene Terephthalate
YES, Recycle bottle, tubs and jugs.

#2 HDPE – High-Density Polyethylene
YES, Recycle bottle, tubs and jugs.

#3 PVC – Polyvinyl Chloride
Sometimes recyclable as a bottle, tub or jug.

#4 LDPE – Low-Density Polyethylene
Sometimes recyclable as a bottle, tub or jug.

#5 PP – Polypropylene
YES, Recycle bottle, tubs and jugs.

#6 PS – Polystyrene
Not Recyclable Curbside.

#7 OTHER – Other, Polycarbonate
Sometimes recyclable as a bottle, tub or jug.

Pictured above are bales of plastic after they have been sorted by type at a material recovery facility. These bottles, tubs and jugs, are now ready be made into new products.
Shape and Number – Recycling Plastics Right
So how do you determine what plastic is part of your curbside recycling program? It’s easy. First, look at the shape of the plastic container. Hard plastics like water bottles, milk jugs and detergent containers are all great examples of plastics that can be recycled. Flexible plastics, like grocery bags, bubble wrap, garden hoses and Styrofoam are not part of the program and should never be placed in your curbside bin.
Next, look for that symbol with the number inside of it. Anything marked with a #6 always goes into the garbage. These are items like Solo Cups, plastic silverware and plastic packaging. All other numbers (#1-5 & #7), as long as they are a tub, jug or bottle, can be placed in your recycle bin.
Be sure your item checks both boxes. If you have a plastic marked #4, but it isn’t a tub, jug or bottle, then it doesn’t belong in your recycling bin. If you have a plastic tub, but it is marked #6, it doesn’t belong in your recycling bin.
Remember all plastic tubs, jugs and bottles should be empty before placing them in your recycling bin. Lids and caps are too small to be sorted effectively by themselves, so put them back on the empty containers to ensure they are recycled.
While it may seem overwhelming trying to determine what should go in your bin, it doesn’t have to be. Just look for the shape and number of each container and there should be no doubt what you can recycle.
Placing the correct materials in your bin ensures that you are getting the most out of your program. you’ll be helping to reduce contamination levels and keep recycling facilities moving at a productive pace. Sticking to these basic recycling tips will ensure a positive change for generations to come!