Wendy The Waste Truck AI
Wendy The Waste Truck AI

Compressed Natural Gas

natural gas garbage truck

What is CNG?

Maybe you’ve heard a lot about CNG vehicles lately. You probably know CNG vehicles have a positive impact on air quality, but what is CNG really? Short for compressed natural gas, CNG is an alternative to gasoline or diesel fuel and consists mostly of methane. It is colorless, odorless, non-toxic, and can emit 90% fewer emissions than gasoline. Natural gas is found right here in the United States, making it readily available for the growing number of vehicles using it.

What are the Benefits of CNG?

  • CNG trucks are quieter as they drive down your street
  • CNG reduces emissions by up to 30% resulting in cleaner air
  • Using CNG allows us to use natural gas found here in the United States which reduces our dependency on the foreign petroleum market
  • Supplies of CNG are expected to last a century or more

How Does Homewood Disposal Use CNG?

In 2012 we made the commitment to transition to trucks that run on compressed natural gas. While the transition is on-going, we’ve already introduced over 60 CNG trucks into your neighborhoods. These trucks will not only keep your streets clean, but the air around them as well. You may have noticed some of our trucks are now a bit more colorful as we’ve added some images of the environment we share. These images represent the very things we are trying to protect by recycling and using natural gas. As you see these trucks around town you’ll know these are the ones that run on CNG.

Our Park Forest location is home to our first CNG filling station. This private station allows our vehicles to fill up overnight while parked on our very own property.

Compressed Natural Gas for Everyone

In the summer of 2016 our corporate office in Homewood introduced the area’s first public fueling station, HDS Energy. Not only will our trucks benefit from the station, but since it is a public station, other vehicles that run on CNG can fill up here as well. The station functions just like a gas station. HDS Energy is part of our on-going commitment to keep streets clean and safe for our fellow residents and business owners. Call us at 708-798-1004 for details about fueling your CNG powered fleet in Homewood, Illinois or Gary, Indiana.

compressed gas garbage truck

How Does CNG Fuel Work?

1. Vehicles like this garbage truck are specially built to run on CNG fuel.

2. Compression devices are installed and connect to existing natural gas pipes.

3. Natural gas is compressed and ready to be used as CNG fuel.

4. Trucks hook up to hoses, fuel up, and are ready to go each morning.