Can I Recycle Pizza Boxes?

Can I Recycle My Pizza Boxes? Greasy pizza boxes can ruin good cardboard. Water is used to make new cardboard. Grease from soiled paper products forms an oily layer in the processing water. Clean portions of the pizza box can be placed in your recycling bin. Greasy [...]

Recycling Egg Cartons at Home

Recycling Egg Cartons at Home Eggs are one of the most popular breakfast items because there are so many different ways to make them- scrambled, omelet, over-easy, hard boiled, etc. But have you ever thought about the correct way to dispose of the egg carton once you’ve finished [...]

How to Dispose of a Propane Tank

How to Dispose of a Propane Tank Propane tanks, also called propane cylinders, are commonly used to fuel stoves, grills, and water heaters. If your propane tank becomes old or broken, you may realize that you’re unsure of how to safely dispose of them. First, what is propane? Propane is similar to [...]